• Mark Rathbun Takes Apart “Manufactured Story” of Aftermath Episode 1

    “Didn’t happen. Literally manufactured.”

    From firsthand knowledge, Mark Rathbun takes apart the “manufactured story” of Aftermath Episode 1 featuring Amy Scobee, a woman he has known for many years.


    It begins with Episode 1, which is literally from beginning to end a manufactured story, okay. [Leah] Remini starts off saying that she wrote a book and she thought it would all be over. She just wrote the book and just wanted to move along. Of course, that’s contradictory to the whole rollout campaign that [Mike] Rinder briefed me on and that she confirmed later.

    But she presents herself as, “Oh, I was just going to write all my—all the facts down and all my experiences and I’d be done with this,” right. “Except, there was such an unbelievable demand for me to go protect these poor, innocent people who got harmed by Scientology.” And so Episode 1 is supposed to be that story.

    She says she got connected—she got reached out to by Amy Scobee, okay. This is 2015/16–2016. Amy Scobee told her story in 2009. That’s seven years before that, okay. Amy Scobee wasn’t in need of somebody to do a platform—she wrote a book in 2009, alright. But according to Episode 1, Amy came to her to resolve this problem of her being disconnected from her mother, in 2016. Except, that Amy’s been connected with her mother since 2010.

    So in other words, they literally manufactured and made up this story that people came out of the woodwork, beginning with the person that they put up front and center, Amy Scobee, to solve this problem that didn’t exist—that in actual fact didn’t exist. So they literally—this was acting, planning, scripting, acting, dramatizing as much as her previous reality show.

    I mean, you can just look at what these people are saying in real time. Amy literally put on her Facebook, “It’s show time!” That was her promotion for the movie coming. It wasn’t, “Hey, I’m going to tell my heartfelt story.” It wasn’t, “Hey, I’m going to tell my heartfelt story in this documentary search for the truth.” It was “show time,” okay. Listen, it’s opportunism, okay. Everybody’s scratching everybody’s back. She ends up getting a gig as a personal assistant in Hollywood. At the same time, her husband gets another gig for another, you know. So, she’s playing it for all she can get.

    Now look it—I consider myself friends with these people, I’m not trying to put them down or anything, I’m just telling you like it is. You know, I got nothing on them. But it is sort of par for the course with her personality. I mean, they create, plan, script, create these warrior princess personalities that don’t exist in reality.

    Like, Amy now tells a new story—nine years after the fact of writing a book about it—that there was all these terrible things going on at the international headquarters of Scientology and that she got in trouble, in ethics trouble, because she had a problem because she used to tell things like it was, okay. What’s wrong with this picture is, is I was there at the time, okay. And I was there for 20 years while she was there. Amy Scobee was exactly the opposite. The only time she ever got in trouble was for exactly the opposite, was for telling things how they weren’t.

    I mean, you’d have to go to great lengths to get her to knock off the public relations, okay, to knock off the spin, to knock off the false positivity, to knock off, you know, and just tell it like it is. And yet she’s saying, “I got disciplined and I went down in flames because I had a problem: I was telling it like it is.” In other words, positioning it like she was protesting these terrible things that were happening. Didn’t happen. Literally manufactured. Scripted, acted, played out. So again, creating this picture of telling it like it isn’t.

    The reason I bring this up, like I said, I don’t dislike Amy, she is a very personable person, but what I’m pointing out is the reality of it. This story is absolutely invented. And then the talent—you know, I brought up earlier how Rinder and Remini changed the story and changed the complexion of it by commenting and introducing and then having a person make a quote and then interpreting and altering and putting another spin on it so that they alter what the person said. What I’m telling you is, in this series it goes a step further.

    The talent, the guest, Amy, is literally telling a story that is 180 degrees and then it’s pumped and altered and changed and conflated by the producer-director talent Rinder and Remini. So by the end of it, it just bears no resemblance to reality.