• Leah Remini


    An Open Letter from Mike Rinder’s Daughter Taryn to Nancy Dubuc, CEO of A&E

    How dare you air lies from your “producer” Mike Rinder—my father—to cover up the lifetime of mental anguish and abuse he inflicted on my brother and me.

    Letter from Cathy Bernardini to Deadline Hollywood

    “I was in disbelief and shock that you are actively promoting outright false propaganda from Mike Rinder, my former husband, regarding my children and our religious beliefs and lives.”

    Letter from Stephanie Rinder to Deadline Hollywood

    “I am outraged that [Mike Rinder] is being presented as some paragon of moral values, since in my personal experience, he was anything but. I am one of his nieces. While I cannot speak from any vast personal knowledge of Mike, I have seen what his cruelty has done to members of his own family.”

    Letter from Taryn Teutsch to Deadline Hollywood

    “I am Mike Rinder's daughter. I am mortified to see you publicly supporting him… I have seen him emotionally and physically abuse too many people, including my own mother in front of my eyes.”

    Response from CSI to the Doctor Oz Show with Leah Remini

    Leah Remini’s “reality” show, like her last one, is nothing more than a scripted, rehearsed, acted and dramatized work of fiction. She and the other anti-Scientologists in her program have been expelled from the Church for unethical conduct.

    Letter from Gary Soter to Kelly Sager of 24 February 2017 re A&E Series on Scientology

    On January 17, 2017, A&E Networks CEO, Nancy Dubuc, told a gathering of television production executives that she ordered the cancellation of Generation KKK because sources were paid. Yet. A&E refused to do the right thing concerning Leah Remini’s series. When will Nancy Dubuc take action?

    Letter from Gary Soter to Nancy Dubuc of 9 January 2017 re A&E Series on Scientology

    ABC 20/20 aired proof that both Leah Remini and Mike Rinder were paid for their participation in Remini’s anti-Scientology docuseries. Yet, A&E continued to remain silent.

    Letter from Gary Soter to Nancy Dubuc of 2 January 2017 re A&E Series on Scientology

    In this letter Church attorney Gary Soter documented A&E’s multiple conflicting statements concerning its payment to sources for its docuseries on Scientology. Again he asked that A&E apply the same standard to Remini’s series.

    Letter from Gary Soter to Nancy Dubuc of 27 December 2016 re A&E Series on Scientology

    A&E was forced to cancel its planned Generation KKK series after it was discovered that sources were paid in violation of A&E’s policy against paying for access to sources. Yet. Leah Remini Mike Rinder and others were paid for a series that has inspired acts of hate and violence. Church attorney Gary Soter informed A&E’s CEO Nancy Dubuc of this inequity and requested that A&E take action

    Letter from CSI to A+E Networks of 2 November 2016 re Amy Scobee

    “Among the most dishonest individuals in Slauson’s stable of anti-Scientology sources is Amy Scobee, whom we saw featured in your trailer.

    Letter from CSI to Buccieri of 23 September 2016 re Church of Scientology

    A&E President Paul Buccieri was informed that his upcoming program featuring Leah Remini would promote bigotry and intolerance. He made the irresponsible decision to cash in on anti-religious hate.

    Letter from CSI to Weresow of 23 November 2016 re The Practice of “Disconnection”

    The Church of Scientology International informed A+E on numerous occasions that their sources were lying and purposely misleading viewers about Church policy. The Church wrote: “There is no policy in Scientology requiring members to disconnect from people who simply have left the Church or who have different religious beliefs. The Church respects the religious beliefs of others and their families' personal choices.”

    Letter from CSI to Weresow of 9 September 2016 re Mike Rinder

    The Church of Scientology International informed A+E that by hiring Mike Rinder for their reality show, they were providing a platform to a vicious wife beater who makes a living peddling hate.

    Read about the hate crimes inspired by the “KING OF QUEENS LADY”

    The Church of Scientology International warned A+E of the hypocrisy and bigotry of Leah Remini and her cohorts. Paul Buccieri, President, and Nancy Dubuc, CEO A+E, ignored reason and funded avowed anti-Scientologists to produce a mock TV show—as if A+E had paid the KKK to do a reality show on the NAACP.