• Leah Remini’s Embittered Crew

    Letter from CSI to A+E Networks re Amy Scobee

    November 2, 2016
    “Among the most dishonest individuals in Slauson’s stable of anti-Scientology sources is Amy Scobee, whom we saw featured in your trailer.

    November 2, 2016

    Mr. Paul Buccieri
    A+E Television Networks
    235 E. 45th Street
    New York, NY 10017

    Via Federal Express

    Re: Church of Scientology, Slauson Productions series/Amy Scobee

    Dear Mr. Buccieri:

    I trust you have received my earlier letters regarding the reality TV program on the Church of Scientology that Slauson Productions is producing with Leah Remini and Mike Rinder.

    Once again I am writing to request a meeting in the interest of a fair and balanced program to provide you relevant information on the credibility of your sources which will allow you to ensure accuracy. It would be reckless for A+E to air provable lies by disregarding relevant facts.

    Among the most dishonest individuals in Slauson’s stable of anti-Scientology sources is Amy Scobee, whom we saw featured in your trailer.

    Although Slauson Productions has never been forthcoming in providing details of its allegations to the Church so it can have a fair opportunity to respond, Scobee’s fabricated stories are easily predictable. That’s because she has been covering up her own transgressions while spreading the same discredited myths and smears for nearly eight years.

    Anyone who worked with Scobee during her tenure in the Church will tell you that she cannot be trusted as a reliable source. After a long history of false representations, lies, failures to do her job, repeated sexual transgressions and refusals to change her ways, despite being given numerous opportunities to do so, she was ultimately dismissed from the Church’s religious order and expelled in 2005.

    One Church staff member who worked directly with Scobee from 1996 through 2003 described what Scobee was like: “Amy Scobee is a pathological liar. And she was eventually caught out because she was such a fake and the activities and projects that she got assigned long range were a disaster. There was no avoiding the fact that she had no clue what she was doing, didn’t want to work and didn’t care about working and only cared about herself.”

    Another Church staff member who worked closely with Scobee relayed how “Scobee makes up stories about others to justify her behavior.”

    As you will see in the attached white paper, Amy Scobee did not just lie about her work, she lied about nearly everything in her life down to the smallest detail. Her dishonesty and incompetence resulted in her being removed from 10 positions in the Church. She could not hold a job. It was due to the compassion of her superiors and their belief that people can change that led to her being given so many chances. She refused to change and was dismissed.

    Beyond being unproductive, incompetent and a pathological liar, Scobee was unable to adhere to the ethical and moral standards expected of her as a staff member. While married and on staff, she initiated extramarital affairs on at least five occasions. Far from ignoring Scobee’s repeated affairs and sexual transgressions with married men, the Church for years bent over backwards to help Scobee confront her promiscuity and become an ethical person. All of this we would have told to you had you bothered to meet with us before jamming her into your trailer without vetting her claims, allowing her to falsely blame the Church rather than take any personal responsibility for her actions.

    Her most grave transgression was ultimately her last as a Scientologist. Scobee seduced a man she was supposed to be counseling as a Scientology minister. Initiating sexual relations with someone who is trusting you to help them through a difficult period in life is a gross betrayal in any religion.

    Embittered and out for revenge for being expelled from the Church for ethical and moral violations, Scobee fabricated a book about her “history” in the Church. The book failed, so she turned to peddling her lies to the Internet fringe and the tabloid media. Now she is pushing those same lies to Slauson.

    That you now use Scobee as a source for your program without properly vetting her is proof of bias and that you have no intention of presenting a factual account of the Church or its members.

    I have now written to Slauson and/or A+E a dozen times simply seeking a meeting to discuss your allegations and our evidence in a calm, rational manner. As I expressed in my earlier letters, to ensure fairness I feel that at a minimum you need to schedule a brief meeting at a time and place of your convenience where we can discuss issues that are extremely relevant to your program. I am available anytime to discuss arrangements.


    Karin Pouw