• Joanne Schnitzer
    on Leah Remini
    Former family friend

    Joanne Schnitzer came to know Leah as she was once a close friend of Leah’s mother.


    One time I was at the house and I was in absolute shock. I played with Sofia, she was on the trampoline, and Leah would be like, “Get out of there! Move back. Stop that!” And I just couldn’t believe how she was treating her daughter.

    And I was just very embarrassed that she would do that with her daughter, and I felt horrible for the kid. I thought it would have a very bad affect on Sofia.

    Leah had an assistant who—they were best friends, like forever. And then one day, Leah up and fired her. And this assistant went through hell because Leah would not talk to her. You know, there was no way of having a conversation and coming to terms with it. And this went on ad infinitum. In other words this girl, this assistant who she fired, who’d been her best friend, to this day has no clue what happened.