5 Things Leah Remini and
    Mary Kahn have in Common

    Leah Remini’s self-proclaimed “team” of expelled misfits have plenty in common with her, including exploiting their former faith for money, spreading hate from the fringes of the Internet, and treating those they work with like dirt.

    Here’s what Remini has in common with Team Leah’s Mary Kahn, who was expelled from the Church along with her husband David.

    They both have acted irresponsibly with married men

    December 1997 article in the Star

    Leah Remini broke up the marriage of Angelo and Raquel Pagan by having an affair with Angelo. Raquel told the Star that “Leah didn’t care about destroying a family,” and in a declaration filed by Raquel in the divorce case, she says that “Leah Remini was not allowing me to have any contact with Alex, my stepson.”

    Mary Kahn was on staff in the Church’s Dallas Mission in 1976 through 1978, but left after having an affair with a married staff member.

    They are OK when someone abruptly leaves their family

    Leah Remini calls co-host Mike Rinder a great father, covering up the fact that he walked out on is wife of 30 years and their two children. In fact, he was so cowardly he let his family know by sending an e-mail to a third party asking that his family be informed.

    Mary Kahn took off for 10 days without a word to her husband and children. She also kept hidden from her son Sammy the fact that she abandoned an early marriage and gave up custody of his half-brother he’s never met. He only found out over dinner with a close family friend, having never known that he had another brother.

    Sammy Kahn

    Mary Kahn

    Neither Can Move On

    Both middle-aged women with nothing better to do, Leah Remini and Mary Kahn can’t let go of their hate.

    They attack the beliefs of friends and loved ones

    Leah Remini venomously and relentlessly attacks the faith of her former friends, showing no respect for their beliefs. Likewise, Mary Kahn relentlessly attacks the faith of her son, Sammy, who made it clear to her he wanted no part of her bigoted drama.

    They cozy up to violent individuals, including wife beaters

    Leah Remini’s co-host, Mike Rinder, has a history of violence that includes shredding the arm of his former wife, Cathy, to where she can never fully use it again. She also promotes the likes of Marc Headley, a bully who beat up former colleagues when he was with the Church, and Tom DeVocht, who routinely beat people up and once dragged his former wife across a room by the hair.

    Mike Rinder and the damage he did to his wife’s arm when he assaulted her in 2010

    Mary Kahn also hangs out with violent individuals, notably Rinder and Headley.