• Using Tragedy to Profit

    Aftermath: Fraud Exposed, Episode 2

    How low will Leah Remini stoop to keep afloat her anti-religious hate campaign that has generated more than 500 threats against Church of Scientology parishioners?

    Remini now takes family tragedies and twists them to fit her ends. That’s because she’s following the playbook of her consulting producer and vicious wife beater, Mike Rinder, who churns out tales he knows full well are a fraud. Case in point: On Remini’s reality TV show Rinder criticizes the reaction of the Church’s external affairs office to the handling of the tragic suicide of Aaron Poulin. Yet he conveniently fails to mention the name of the man in charge of that office at that time – Mike Rinder.

    Rinder also knows that the Church insists on the appropriate evaluation and care by medical doctors for individuals who have mental health problems. He also knows the Church does not treat mental illness as Church policy has stated for years on our website.

    Mike Rinder and Leah Remini have no shame when it comes to lying in front the camera because to them it’s all about ratings, making a buck and stirring as much hate as possible.

    Mike Rinder and Leah Remini have no shame when it comes to lying in front the camera because to them it’s all about ratings, making a buck and stirring as much hate as possible.

    Aaron Poulin’s mother, Sheila, is upset that A&E, Leah Remini and Mike Rinder after more than a decade are tearing open the wounds of her family’s private tragedy for ratings, profit and Remini’s egotistical self-aggrandizement.

    Sheila is especially disappointed in her former daughter-in-law, Marie Bilheimer. Married to Aaron at the time of his death, Sheila is appalled that Marie allowed Remini and Rinder to make a buck exploiting her son’s death. Said Sheila: “I think it is despicable that A&E, Leah Remini and Marie are using this tragedy in my life, the time when my son committed suicide—as a way to line their pockets.”

    Said Sheila: “I think it is despicable that A&E, Leah Remini and Marie are using this tragedy in my life, the time when my son committed suicide—as a way to line their pockets.”

    Sheila felt betrayed by Marie Bilheimer, her daughter-in-law at the time of Aaron’s death and feels further betrayed now, that with Remini, Marie is shamelessly using the 2004 suicide of Sheila’s son, Aaron, as part of Remini’s obsessive hate campaign.

    In 2004, Aaron was trying to handle personal problems that included stealing and an arrest as an individual engaging in prostitution and loitering with the intent to commit prostitution in Hollywood—something he covered up from the Church. Aaron was arraigned on November 3rd of that year. The trial date had been set for December. Unfortunately he did not confide in anyone except perhaps Marie. Sadly, he took his life November 18th. The court records are what told the full story. Aaron was a tragedy, like too many in today’s world—over 44,000 Americans per year commit suicide of every religion or none at all.

    “Right or wrong, I feel that Marie as Aaron’s wife was responsible for taking care of him. I felt very angry the first time I saw her after this had occurred that she hadn’t taken care of him because she was his wife. If he had something that needed to be dealt with, there were things that she could have done to help him and I don’t understand why she didn’t.”

    Sadly, the story is being twisted at the expense of Sheila and her family to spread hate about the Church. Marie Bilheimer is clearly being manipulated by Remini and Rinder, whose only form of income is inciting hatred and bigotry spreading lies about his former Church. Both lack empathy and compassion because they are driven by dollars and hate.

    Sadly, the story is being twisted at the expense of Sheila and her family to spread hate about a worldwide religion. Marie Bilheimer is being manipulated by Remini and Rinder, whose only form of income is inciting hatred and bigotry spreading lies about his former Church. Both lack empathy and compassion because they are driven by dollars and hate.

    Marie had difficulty coping with Aaron’s death. The Church and her mother were working to assist her and help her through the tragedy. As Marie wrote at the time, “I am grateful for the assistance provided to me by the Church and the care and attention that has been given to me.” Marie also said, “I have had a severe personal difficulty and the Church took the time and care to ensure that I was assisted.”

    As Marie wrote at the time, “I am grateful for the assistance provided to me by the Church and the care and attention that has been given to me.” Marie also said, “I have had a severe personal difficulty and the Church took the time and care to ensure that I was assisted.”

    But after embracing the assistance for her religious community and her parents’, love, care and warmth, she began to distance herself and started telling lies. It began with excuses as to why she could never make time for her parents. She then disconnected from her family altogether.

    As Marie’s mother, June, said, “Marie has been alienating herself from me for some time. At a big group party or get together yes, Marie was there, but as far as a mother-daughter relationship Marie would not have a one on one… she just made it clear that she did not want that kind of relationship with me.”

    After trying to be part of Marie’s life, her parents finally resigned themselves to the estrangement. Now, June believes that Marie is being manipulated by A & E, Leah Remini, Rinder and their shill, Tony Ortega, who collectively view it as yet another personal tragedy they can exploit for money.

    “I don’t think Marie would have been doing what she’s doing unless she hooked up with Leah Remini and A&E and Tony Ortega,” Marie’s mother June said. “I don’t think she would do that. And I think these people find people and they use them as a puppet and they use them for their own end.”

    “I don’t think Marie would have been doing what she’s doing unless she hooked up with Leah Remini and A&E and Tony Ortega,” Marie’s mother June said. “I don’t think she would do that. And I think these people find people and they use them as a puppet and they use them for their own end.”

    June and her husband Mike described the entire story as manipulated and false. They were outraged that no one from A&E, co-owner Walt Disney, Slauson Productions or anyone from Remini’s office bothered to reach out to them to fact check, inform, and ask questions, NOTHING. Instead, they went with their pre-determined story line, the refusal to find the facts, the undeniable bias is especially sickening in today’s America where hate crimes and bigotry are becoming all too common.

    As June’s husband Mike said, “It’s not like we were ever given any opportunity to present any data at all. Nobody from A&E contacted us, nobody from Disney, nobody from Leah Remini’s office, nobody said, ‘Hey, what about this? Is there anything to this? What’s your side of the story?’ Nothing.”

    I have something to say to Leah Remini: Why are you focusing on hate and generating more ugliness in this world? With the political climate and all of the things that have happened with terrorism in this world, we don't need more hate. We need kindness, we need love, we need respect.”

    Aaron’s family aren’t the only ones victimized by Leah Remini’s fraudulent show. Tayler Tweed’s family also found themselves being exploited by her reality TV show.


    Sadly, before Tayler’s untimely death, she was a troubled woman, whose close friends and family for some time had been trying to help her.

    Remini featured a so-called “friend” Lauren Haggis to speak about Tayler even though Lauren had no relationship with Tayler Tweed for a decade. While they had been roommates for a short period at boarding school in their early teens, they were not friends after that. Now Haggis is grossly exploiting the death of someone she knew years ago to tell stories that she herself did not see nor witness. And Eli Holzman of Slauson productions disingenuously uses Lauren to narrate and give “details” based on hearsay. This disgusting act by Lauren is all in order to get publicity for herself just like her father did in using the Church to get publicity for his sagging career.

    Tayler’s close friends have said that after Tayler’s death some very disreputable people started attempting to use it for their own personal gain. Her true friends were appalled.

    Remini and Rinder’s exploitation of Tayler’s death prompted her mother to write to A&E, stating “I am horrified that A&E and Leah Remini are exploiting for financial gain the tragic death of my daughter Tayler Tweed who died by suicide three years ago. A&E’s teaser for the upcoming episode shows a picture of my beautiful daughter.”

    She goes onto say, “The teaser is absolutely false. To the best of my knowledge, the person in the trailer who is being offered as a source for your program was never a good friend of Tayler’s and was in no position to know the facts. I’ve checked with the REAL close friends of Tayler’s and they also concur this fact… I simply can’t even believe your network is willing to put my family through this for yours and Leah Remini's financial gains.”

    Finally, she added: “I have something to say to Leah Remini: Why are you focusing on hate and generating more ugliness in this world? With the political climate and all of the things that have happened with terrorism in this world, we don't need more hate. We need kindness, we need love, we need respect.”