• Leah Remini’s go-to “reliable” sources: Karen de la Carriere & Jeffrey Augustine

    Karen de la Carriere is an obsessed, unstable anti-Scientologist who, along with her husband Jeffrey Augustine, prowls the Internet fringe spreading lies and smears.

    De la Carriere’s and Augustine’s complete lack of credibility was definitively exposed publicly by a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge in a civil ruling that did not mince words about their lies.

    De la Carriere had sued her accountant, William Greene, claiming that a 2003 Promissory Note and Trust Deed that Greene held on her house was a forgery and demanded clear title to her house. Greene filed a cross complaint.

    Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Johnson not only ruled in favor of Greene, he found that de la Carriere’s claim that the 2003 document was a forgery was completely false and that she had the document notarized.

    Judge Johnson’s ruling is packed with statements about de la Carriere’s lack of truthfulness as well as Augustine’s lack of credibility. In short, the court exposed the two of them as pathological liars.


    For example, the Court described de la Carriere in the following terms:

    • …untruthful, about many aspects of the case—presenting testimony that was false, conflicting, exaggerated and evasive.
    • Carriere’s evidence… is not credible and has been rejected.
    • Carriere has tried to back away from this admission, but her testimony is not credible.
    • At trial, even Carriere begrudgingly admitted that the signature was hers. Carriere’s charge that Greene had forged her signature was reckless and desperate, and it is illustrative of why the Court has so little confidence in what Carriere has said.
    • The Court also finds that Carriere signed the 2003 Note and DOT [Deed of Trust] with full knowledge of and consent to all of its terms. Greene so testified, and this aspect of his testimony is credible. Carriere’s evidence to the contrary is not credible or persuasive. Carriere’s testimony that she did not sign a complete version of the instrument is not credible. The testimony by Carriere and her husband Jeffrey Augustine that Carriere first learned of the instrument in 2012 is not credible.
    • Carriere testified that Greene assured her that she would not have to pay principal or interest on both the 1998 Note and DOT and the 2003 Note and DOT, but this testimony is not credible.

    Greene was entitled to recover “a total amount of $149,997.69 through July 31, 2015, with continuing prejudgment interest at $23.68 per day through entry of judgment.”

    The court ruling only confirms that de la Carriere is among the most unstable sources for media. She churns out hysterical unfounded rants to the tabloids. She is exceptionally bitter at having been removed from her position in the Church 30 years ago and will say anything and falsely “corroborate” anything that attacks the Church no matter how absurd.

    De la Carriere has a long history of instability in her life, dating back to when she moved to England from her native country of India in the early 1960s. She worked as a casino croupier at a gentleman’s club and as a call girl, admitting later in a self-written life history that during that time she had one-night stands with as many as 50 men.

    She also engaged in a long-term arrangement with a married British parliamentary advisor. She was set up with a posh apartment, expensive clothing and a large allowance, to be available on call whenever her services were needed.

    Wanting to turn her life around, de la Carriere joined the Church. But she failed to live up to the ethical standards required and was removed from her position in the religious order nearly 30 years ago.

    Karen de la Carriere prostitution emails 
    Samples of the “Snow Suzy” emails
    Karen de la Carriere prostitution emails 
    Some of the “Snow Suzy” photos sent with the emails soliciting “johns”

    Well into her 50s at that time, de la Carriere returned to her roots to support herself, even sending email solicitations to potential “johns” under the name “Snow Suzy” complete with price lists and photographs. De la Carriere has used 13 different names/aliases.

    De la Carriere also destroyed her relationship with her late son. Her daughter-in-law witnessed de la Carriere’s decision to disown him, “saying that he was not her son. She said ‘I disown you. You’re disinherited. You are not my son. Don’t call me again. Don’t ever contact me again.’ And then she hung up on him.”

    “She would go into these incredible rages, just severe violent rages and she would take it out on [her son]. And he was just a little kid at the time and he was just overwhelmed by that.”

    One of de la Carriere’s former husbands, Jim Barta, had also witnessed these violent rages against her son: “At the time he was 6-7 years old … she would go into these incredible rages, just severe violent rages and she would take it out on him. And he was just a little kid at the time and he was just overwhelmed by that. I’d seen her do this on several occasions.”

    Her son later died tragically. De la Carriere by her own choice had been estranged from him for years.

    Now in her 70s and unable to pursue her usual line of work, she and her husband, Jeffrey Augustine, post psychotic ramblings on the Internet under different pseudonyms about the Church while peddling stories to tabloids. They are fringe anti-Scientologists who spread bigotry and hatred against the Church and the leader of the religion for a buck.