• “Backpage” Tony Ortega Taken Down by Former Source

    Watch new shocking videos exposing Leah’s hate campaign

    Former “Backpage” Tony Ortega source Marty Rathbun has posted shocking new videos exposing Leah Remini’s propaganda minister.

    Ortega earned the nickname “Backpage” for his role as chief defender of the notorious child prostitution and human trafficking enabler Backpage.

    Ortega earned the nickname “Backpage” for his role as chief defender of the notorious child prostitution and human trafficking enabler Backpage, an online site which at the time was minting money for Ortega’s corporate bosses and helping underwrite his anti-Scientology efforts when he was editor of the Village Voice newspaper.

    Rathbun discusses fresh details about the charter member of the Anti-Scientology Cult, including unearthing how Leah’s chief flunky Mike Rinder trash talks comrade Ortega. The Rinder comments Rathbun exposes are part of number of postings he reveals that were made by Rinder and which are sure to embarrass his co-host Remini because they directly contradict the scripted hate he spews for an A&E paycheck.

    Rathbun reveals Rinder’s comments after he left the Church that “Tony has stumbled onto the subject of Scientology as a way of making news and money.”

    Mike Rinder on Tony Ortega

    Calling Ortega the “silent partner” and “advance man” behind Remini and Rinder’s reality TV show, Rathbun reveals Rinder’s comments after he left the Church that “Tony has stumbled onto the subject of Scientology as a way of making news and money.”

    He further quotes Rinder on Ortega: “Tony has no subjective reality on Scientology. So, it is not possible for him to see any forest. He is stuck on the trees, most of which are old and dead, that wood having been chopped 100 times already.”

    Backpage Tony Ortega

    Rathbun notes the role that money from human trafficker Backpage played in Ortega’s early anti-Scientology hate campaign, which Remini and Rinder refuse to disclose because Remini adamantly refuses to let her subjects be vetted in advance.

    Adds Rathbun: “They bring him in as this ’expert’ who Mike has already acknowledged in writing and published himself as the guy who is out for money and stirring up trouble with Scientology. That is his gig.”