• Chris Shelton: Leah Remini’s “Expert” is Just a Deadbeat Dad With a History of Lying

    Chris Shelton is posing in Leah Remini’s reality TV show as some sort of “expert” on the Scientology religion, yet it would be difficult to find a more unqualified person to speak on the subject.

    A self-proclaimed arrogant know-it-all, Shelton is really just a fringe figure on the Internet, where he obsessively vents about the religion that expelled him for misconduct. During his time with the Church, Shelton’s position was as a lower middle management worker. Instead of dealing with his responsibilities, he was preoccupied with phone sex involving a married woman, with carrying on a series of extramarital affairs and, according to his former wife, online porn.

    Like the rest of the cast of Remini’s show, the real story about Shelton she refused to tell viewers is that he couldn’t hack it in the church, and was dismissed for refusing to uphold the Church’s high ethical standards.

    Yet what is most mind-boggling is that Remini would use Shelton as an example of family values when he was a classic deadbeat dad who turned his back on his own son in Australia for more than three decades and whose affairs resulted in three other marriages breaking up.

    What is most mind-boggling is that Remini would use Shelton as an example of family values when he was a classic deadbeat dad who turned his back on his own son.

    Shelton’s history of breaking up families began in 1993 when he had an illicit affair with a woman from Australia. When the affair ended, the woman returned home and discovered that she was pregnant. She later gave birth to a son.

    Shelton was the classic deadbeat dad who refused to take any moral or financial responsibility for his child. He never communicated with his son, refused to pay any child support and severed all communication with both mother and child. More than 20 years later, he wrote to the mother and son in an effort to get into communication, but neither wanted to have anything to do with him.

    Shelton never communicated with his son, refused to pay any child support and severed all communication with both mother and child.

    In 2005, Shelton, according to his own statement, spent months having phone sex with a married woman at a time when he was married to someone else. Shelton was never a committed Scientologist and never understood the basic tenets of the religion. But he knew enough to know that such conduct violated the moral and ethical codes of the religion. He was eventually dismissed from staff due to his blatant violations of ethical standards when he carried on yet another affair with a married woman.

    Shelton makes the ridiculous claim in his self-published book that he is a victim of “disconnection.” He is referring to a letter from the same married woman with whom he had the affair that led to his dismissal from staff. Understandably, the woman and her husband wanted Shelton out of their lives. She wanted to move on with her life and repair her own marriage that Shelton had tried to destroy. Shelton had the nerve to misrepresent her “get lost” letter to him as a “disconnection letter.”

    Now he posts anti-Scientology rants on the most virulent hate sites on the Internet.

    Now he posts anti-Scientology rants on the most virulent hate sites on the Internet. He has aligned himself with at least one anti-religious deprogrammer, Joseph Szimhart, whose past history includes an arrest for kidnapping.

    Cult specialist arrested for kidnapping

    Chris Shelton is just another one of the small group of Leah Remini’s self-proclaimed “team” of expelled misfits who spread hate from the fringes of the Internet.